Part-time Job in SWUFE
According to Chinese law, foreigners holding student visa/residence permit are not allowed to do full time work. Foreign students can do some part time job provided holding valid part time work permit. Part time work at entertainment places is prohibited.
Students must report to us if they find a suitable part time job, and provide with detailed information of that employer’s name, address, telephone number, working time and duration. Upon the receipt of the above information, the college of International Education will apply for the part time work permit.
Students much carry valid passport and work permit with themselves during work, and return the work permit once the whole part time work is finished.
More highlights & notices
- School leaders celebrated the New Year together with the students who remained on campus
- US. Recruitment Trip
- 9th Project of Management Cadres Overseas Training completed
- Vice president Ding Renzhong welcomed U.S. Consul General in Chengdu He Mengde (Peter Haymond)
- 18 SWUFE’s students admitted in the Postgraduate Study Abroad Program sponsored by CSC